The Triple Julia Set at Windmill Hill 1996!

This is the first aerial shot taken of this the Windmill Hill - Triple Julia Set! According to Colin Andrews, we were the very first to fly over and photograph (from the air) the most elaborate pictogram in recorded history!

This is a ground shot of the same Windmill Hill formation! What struck me the most was the gentle way in which the wheat stalks were SPUN and WEAVED ! NOT mashed down and broken as would be the results you'd get if you tried to hoax this with rollers, boards etc! Every inch of this formation was a meticulous work of art, with intricate braided stalks and fine details that would take literally hours if not days to replicate!

I would really like to see ANYONE, try to replicate every single detail that I witnessed within this formation from the air and ground. Oh by the way, its over 1,000 feet in diameter and no one saw it being made! It appeared during daylight hours!

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